Аннотация:“I, Juan Garrido, black resident [ de color negro vecino ] of this city [Mexico], appear before Your Mercy and state that I am in need of making a probanza to the perpetuity of the king [ a perpetuad rey ], a report on how I served Your Majesty in the conquest and pacification of this New Spain, from the time when the Marqués del Valle [ Cortés ] entered it; and in his company I was present at all the invasions and conquests and pacifications which were carried out, always with the said Marqués, all of which I did at my own expense without being given either salary or allotment of natives [ repartimiento de indios ] or anything else. As I am married and a resident of this city, where I have always lived; and also as I went with the Marqués del Valle to discover the islands which are in that part of the southern sea [the Pacific] where there was much hunger and privation; and also as I went to discover and pacify the islands of San Juan de Buriquén de Puerto Rico; and also as I went on the pacification and conquest of the island of Cuba with the adelantado Diego Velázquez; in all these ways for thirty years have I served and continue to serve Your Majesty—for these reasons stated above do I petition Your Mercy. And also because I was the first to have the inspiration to sow maize here in New Spain and to see if it took; I did this and experimented at my own expense.”