Аннотация:ForewordAcknowledgmentsIntroduction: The Problem of Paradigms1. Conceptions and Receptions of Legality: Understanding the Complexity of Law Reform in Modern China2. Law, Law, What Law? Why Western Scholars of China Have Not Had More to Say about Its Law3. Using the Past to Make a Case for the Rule of Law4. Rule of Man and the Rule of Law in China: Punishing Provincial Governors during the Qing5. Collective Responsibility in Qing Criminal Law6. True Confessions? Chinese Confessions Then and Now7. Law and Discretion in Contemporary Chinese Courts8. Equality and Justice in Official and Popular Views about Civil Obligations: China and Taiwan9. Language and Law: Sources of Systemic Vagueness and Ambiguous Authority in Chinese Statutory Language10. The Future of Federalism in China11. The Rule of Law Imposed from Outside: China's Foreign-Oriented Legal Regime since 1978Epilogue: The Deep Roots of Resistance to Law Codes and Lawyers in ChinaContributorsIndex