Sensation and Measurement: Papers in Honor of S. S. Stevensстатья из журнала
Аннотация: I/Psychophysics, Measurement, Sensory Physiology.- Similarities of Inhibition in the Different Sense Organs.- Some Technical Notes on Psychophysical Scaling.- Relations of Peripheral Action Potentials and Cortical Evoked Potentials to the Magnitude of Sensation.- An Assessment of Ratio of Opinion Produced by Sensory-Modality Matching.- The Derivation of Stevens' Psychophysical Power Law.- Cross-Modality Matching of Money against other Continua.- The Stimulus in Information Processing.- On the Sensory Evaluation of Compliant Materials.- Ratios of Magnitude Estimates.- Measurement, Invariance, and Psychophysics.- Listen and Hear.- On the Origin of Scales of Measurement.- The New York Study of Physical Constitution and Psychotic Pattern.- Families of Converging Power Functions in Psychophysics.- On Facts and Theories in Psychophysics: Does Ekman's Law Exist?.- A Quantal Model for Psychological Magnitude and Differential Sensitivity.- A Power Function for Sensory Receptors.- II/Hearing, Speech.- Auditory Masking and Signal Detection Theory.- An Audiogram Format Conveying the Psychophysiology of Hearing.- The Human Auditory Evoked Response.- Is the Power Law Simply Related to the Driven Spike Response Rate from the Whole Auditory Nerve?.- Critical Bandwidth in Man and Some Other Species in Relation to the Traveling Wave Envelope.- Effect of Spread of Excitation on the Loudness Function at 250 Hz.- Temporal Order and Auditory Perception.- The Link Between Speech Production and Speech Perception.- Matching Loudness and Vocal Level: An Experiment Requiring No Apparatus.- Prediction of Paired-Comparison and Magnitude-Estimation Judgments of Noisiness.- Voice Spectrum and Sidetone Spectrum.- The Slope of the Loudness Function: A Puzzle.- Localization of Unlike Tones from Two Loudspeakers.- Psychophysical Correlates of Middle-Ear-Muscle Action.- Loudness and Excitation Patterns of Strongly Frequency Modulated Tones.- III/Vision, Taste, Warmth.- The Effects of Caffeine on Terminal Dark Adaptation.- Scaling of Saturation and Hue Shift: Summary of Results and Implications.- Smitty Stevens' Test of Retinex Theory.- Spatial Summation in the Warmth Sense.- Models of Additivity for Sugar Sweetness.- Visual Perceptualization of Tetrachoric Correlations.- Rod Signals in Higher Color Mechanisms: The McCollough Color Aftereffect Observed in Scotopic Illumination.- The Doubtful Phenomenon of Over-Constancy.- IV/A Brief Autobiography.- Notes for a Life Story.- S. S. Stevens' Bibliography.- Index of Names.- Index of Subjects.
Год издания: 1975
Издательство: University of Illinois Press
Источник: The American Journal of Psychology
Ключевые слова: Music Technology and Sound Studies
Открытый доступ: closed
Том: 88
Выпуск: 4
Страницы: 684–684