Аннотация:what, but the end result is a uniform, informative style. I will not cite figures on how much it has grown since my second edition, other than to say that it weighs more than twice as much, and the increase in content is impressive. The entire field grows ever more complex. As one old-timer remarked a number of years ago, Blood clotted a lot easier in the old To that I would add that blood did everything a lot easier in the old days. To squeeze all of this into a man¬ ageable volume, the publisher has gone to a smaller type size than before, smaller than usual in medical texts. This is not really objection¬ able—I found it easy to read. This type size does allow an increase in content of about 40% per page. When compared with the immedi¬ ately preceding edition, this volume includes some newly described condi¬ tions (hereditary pyropoikilocytosis; McLeod phenotype), new ways of looking at old problems (FrenchAmerican-British group classification of acute leukemias), and the latest thoughts of chemotherapeutic combi¬ nations in leukemia (TAD, TRAP, OAP, and POMP). I recommend Wintrobe's Clinical Hematology without reservation to all with an interest in clinical or experi¬ mental hematology.