Аннотация:Only in the last few years has detailed research into Umbrian music, particularly that of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, begun to appear, and until now there has been no study devoted entirely to music publishing in the region. At present we know of thirty-two books of music printed at Perugia, Assisi and Orvieto between 1577 and 1650, but there may well have been more. Since some are known only indirectly, from vague references found in intermediate sources, it is reasonable to assume that other books have been lost without trace. Our knowledge of the publishers of this music is fragmentary and incomplete, and the same often applies to the various composers, so that the historian is confronted with a picture rendered unusually indistinct by absences and losses. However, such information as we do possess, together with the surviving printed material, offers valuable evidence for the composition and circulation of music in the towns of Umbria during this period.