Depositional sequences of the Duwi, Sibâîya and Phosphate Formations, Egypt: phosphogenesis and glauconitization in a Late Cretaceous epeiric seaстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Abstract Sedimentary facies, depositional environments and stratigraphic relationships of the Upper Cretaceous Duwi, Sibâîya and Phosphate Formations in Egypt are summarized in order to shed light on the origins and interrelationships between phosphorites and their commonly associated facies. The distribution of phosphorites, glauconitic sands, organic carbon-rich shales, cherts and porcelanites, and bioclastic and fine-grained limestones are correlated in both space and time across the central phosphorite provenance of the country. The correlations are linked by means of sequence stratigraphic analysis and are tied to global eustatic sea-level curves. Two main depositional realms are inferred from the Campanian lithofacies assemblages: (1) a deeper-water hemipelagic environment accompanying maximum transgression dominated by deposition of phosphorites, organic carbon-rich shales and biosiliceous sediments, which, after maximum flooding, shoals upwards into (2) a progradational stage accompanying sea-level fall, during which oyster banks with brackish back-reef sediments (Eastern Desert) and deltaic sediments (upper Quseir Variegated Shale, Nile Valley) dominated eastern portions of the phosphorite belt, while greensands were reworked seaward from earlier inner shelf sediments in the west (Western Desert). These depositional realms encompass (1) transgressive to lower highstand systems tracts and (2) upper highstand to lowstand progradational wedge system tracts, respectively. The reoccurrence of lower Maastrichtian phosphatic shale, marl and associated phosphorite lithofacies at the top of the sequence indicates repetition of the sedimentary cycle. Both phosphorites and glauconitic greensands appear to be the result of current winnowing and reworking of authigenic grains from previously deposited sediments. The resulting deposits range in scale from thin lag layers, to amalgamated beds, to giant sand waves up to 10 m thick. In the Egyptian setting, the common factors linking massive phosphorite and glauconite occurrences may have been the co-occurrence of humid climate, deep lateritic weathering in hinterlands, anoxic bottom waters on the inner shelf, and high fluvial discharge rates of phosphorus and iron. Superimposed on these factors were influences of cross-shelf currents necessary to concentrate authigenic precipitates, and a sea level change, which acted to markedly reduce the diluting effects of siliciclastic detritus during rapid sea level rise, as well as vertically stack ‘authigenic facies’ during sea level fall.
Год издания: 1990
Авторы: Craig R. Glenn
Издательство: Geological Society of London
Источник: Geological Society London Special Publications
Ключевые слова: Geological formations and processes, Hydrocarbon exploration and reservoir analysis, Paleontology and Stratigraphy of Fossils
Открытый доступ: closed
Том: 52
Выпуск: 1
Страницы: 205–222