Genderama: Performing Womanhood in Nineteenth-Century Spanish Theatreстатья из журнала
Аннотация: AbstractThe theatre in nineteenth-century Spain — where upwards of 50,000 plays were written, published, performed, and/or reviewed — is a rich arena for investigation. Among the many unexplored topics is the issue of women as playwrights, actresses, or characters in works that played with gender roles in ways previously misunderstood or understudied. This article looks at a number of plays written by both women and men through the prism of the performance of gender in order to provoke thinking about how power, change, and sex often determined what it was to be a woman. The traditional ángel del hogar role, imbued with the values of abnegation, resignation, and service, were often contested and debated on the country's stages, yet simplistic dichotomies (male versus female, liberal versus conservative) disappear as we embrace the ambiguities (and anxieties) that mark the plays under study here.The theatre in nineteenth-century Spain — where upwards of 50,000 plays were written, published, performed, and/or reviewed — is a rich arena for investigation. Among the many unexplored topics is the issue of women as playwrights, actresses, or characters in works that played with gender roles in ways previously misunderstood or understudied. This article looks at a number of plays written by both women and men through the prism of the performance of gender in order to provoke thinking about how power, change, and sex often determined what it was to be a woman. The traditional ángel del hogar role, imbued with the values of abnegation, resignation, and service, were often contested and debated on the country's stages, yet simplistic dichotomies (male versus female, liberal versus conservative) disappear as we embrace the ambiguities (and anxieties) that mark the plays under study here.El teatro en la España del siglo xix — donde más de 50,000 títulos se escribieron, se publicaron, se estrenaron y se reseñaron — es un fértil campo de estudios para el investigador. De entre los muchos temas que quedan por explorar, cabe mencionar el de las dramaturgas, actrices o personajes femeninos de obras que juegan con el papel del género en formas previamente malentendidas o poco estudiadas. Este artículo analiza un número representativo de obras escritas por mujeres y por hombres a través de la perspectiva de la performatividad del género desde la que se pretende invitar a la reflexión sobre cómo el poder, el cambio, y el sexo frecuentemente determinaron lo que significaba ser mujer. El papel tradicional del 'ángel del hogar' (ser abnegada, resignada, y servicial) fue tema de controversia y de debate en los teatros españoles de la época. Las fáciles dicotomías (masculino frente a femenino, liberal frente a conservador) desaparecen si abrazamos las ambigüedades (y ansiedades) que marcan las obras aquí estudiadas.Keywords: WOMENWOMANHOODNINETEENTH-CENTURY SPAINGENDERPERFORMATIVITY
Год издания: 2009
Авторы: David T. Gies
Издательство: Routledge
Источник: Hispanic Research Journal
Ключевые слова: Spanish Literature and Culture Studies, Theater, Performance, and Music History, Early Modern Spanish Literature
Открытый доступ: closed
Том: 10
Выпуск: 2
Страницы: 108–121