Аннотация:Institute of Medicine National Academy Press, $44.95, pp 364 ISBN 0 309 07280 8 See http://www.nap.edu/catalog/10027.html for ordering details Rating: ![Graphic][1] ![Graphic][2] ![Graphic][3] ![Graphic][4] Even with catchy titles, committee reports are unlikely bestsellers. This one has the background and intention to be different. The committee members, who were appointed by the US National Academy of Science for their creative thinking and knowledge of medicine, healthcare, and commerce, provide excellently researched evidence for the failure of the US healthcare system. They justify radical change and establish six aims and 10 simple rules for a completely different … [1]: /embed/inline-graphic-1.gif [2]: /embed/inline-graphic-2.gif [3]: /embed/inline-graphic-3.gif [4]: /embed/inline-graphic-4.gif