Designing Resilient, Sustainable Systemsreview
Аннотация: Pursuit of sustainable development requires a systems approach to the design of industrial product and service systems. Although many business enterprises have adopted sustainability goals, the actual development of sustainable systems remains challenging because of the broad range of economic, environmental and social factors that need to be considered across the system life cycle. Traditional systems engineering practices try to anticipate and resist disruptions but may be vulnerable to unforeseen factors. An alternative is to design systems with inherent "resilience" by taking advantage of fundamental properties such as diversity, efficiency, adaptability, and cohesion. Previous work on sustainable design has focused largely upon ecological efficiency improvements. For example, companies have found that reducing material and energy intensity and converting wastes into valuable secondary products creates value for shareholders as well as for society at large. To encourage broader systems thinking, a design protocol is presented that involves the following steps: identifying system function and boundaries, establishing requirements, selecting appropriate technologies, developing a system design, evaluating anticipated performance, and devising a practical means for system deployment. The approach encourages explicit consideration of resilience in both engineered systems and the larger systems in which they are embedded.
Год издания: 2003
Авторы: Joseph Fiksel
Издательство: American Chemical Society
Источник: Environmental Science & Technology
Ключевые слова: Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Sustainable Industrial Ecology, Supply Chain Resilience and Risk Management
Другие ссылки: Environmental Science & Technology (HTML)
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Том: 37
Выпуск: 23
Страницы: 5330–5339