Аннотация:Recruitment rates, natal philopatry and the onset of breeding activity are documented for the first time for the order C aprimulgiformes. Of 171 R ed‐necked N ightjars C aprimulgus ruficollis ringed as fledglings in southwestern S pain between 2008 and 2011, 31 (18%) were later recovered. Females tended to disperse slightly further (680 m) than males (570 m), and no individual from the study site or nearby locations was ever recovered outside the area where it hatched, suggesting high natal philopatry. Most males (94%) and females (73%) recruited into the breeding population in their first year of life, and only a few individuals were not recovered until their second (10%) or third (7%) year of life. In contrast to most long‐lived birds, nearly all (95.5%) R ed‐necked N ightjars started to reproduce in their first potential breeding season.