Care Ethics and Carers with Learning Disabilities: A Challenge to Dependence and Paternalismстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Abstract People with learning disabilities are one of the most excluded groups of people in British society and have historically been positioned as being in need of lifelong care, incapable of looking after themselves. In this context people with learning disabilities have been positioned as the recipients of care; always the cared for and never the carer. However, more recent policy initiatives have meant that they are now more able to exercise some control over their lives. In addition, changes in institutionalised care, increases in life expectancy, and the growing number of people with learning disabilities who are living with partners have all resulted in more and more people with learning disabilities becoming carers. Nevertheless, they are still a largely hidden group about whom little is known. This paper utilises a personal narrative taken from the author's own life to contextualise the issue. Drawing on this experience, and further research on carers with learning disabilities, the author moves from the personal to develop a philosophical and theoretical discussion which demonstrates the way in which a political ethic of care can serve to reposition the lives of people with learning disabilities as valued and respected citizens. Drawing on the work of key commentators, the paper considers the concepts of collective agency, caring citizenship, moral agency, interdependency and relationality, to explore the positioning of people with learning disabilities in Western society and demonstrate the way in which relationships of care may be used to forward claims for citizenship and social justice for people with learning disabilities. Keywords: Carers with Learning DisabilitiesInterdependenceCaring Citizenship Additional informationNotes on contributorsNicki Ward Nicki Ward is a lecturer in social work in the School of Social Policy at the University of Birmingham. Before joining academia Nicki worked for over 20 years with people with learning disabilities
Год издания: 2011
Авторы: Nicki Ward
Издательство: Taylor & Francis
Источник: Ethics and Social Welfare
Ключевые слова: Healthcare innovation and challenges, Social Work Education and Practice, Family and Disability Support Research
Открытый доступ: closed
Том: 5
Выпуск: 2
Страницы: 168–180