Аннотация:In Drosophila, the neuropeptide pigment-dispersing factor (PDF) is a likely circadian molecule, secreted by central pacemaker neurons (LNvs). PDF is expressed in both small and large LNvs (sLNvs and lLNvs), and there are striking circadian oscillations of PDF staining intensity in the small cell termini, which require a functional molecular clock. This cycling may be relevant to the proposed role of PDF as a synchronizer of the clock system or as an output signal connecting pacemaker cells to locomotor activity centers. In this study, the authors use a generic neuropeptide fusion protein (atrial natriuretic factor-green fluorescent protein [ANF-GFP]) and show that it can be expressed in the same neurons as PDF itself. Yet, ANF-GFP as well as PDF itself does not manifest any cyclical accumulation in sLNv termini in adult transgenic flies. Surprisingly, the absence of detectable PDF cycling is not accompanied by any detectable behavioral pheno-type, since these transgenic flies have normal morning and evening anticipation in a light-dark cycle (LD) and are fully rhythmic in constant darkness (DD). The molecular clock is also not compromised. The results suggest that robust PDF cycling in sLNv termini plays no more than a minor role in the Drosophila circadian system and is apparently not even necessary for clock output function.