Аннотация:Objective. Uncertainty has arisen as to whether vitamin supplements are needed by dialysis patients, in particular those treated by means of hemofiltration or hemodiafiltration using highly permeable (high-flux) filters. We therefore measured the concentrations of vitamin C, cobalamin (vitamin B12) and folic acid in conventional (low-flux) dialysis patients and in those receiving on-line treatment (hemofiltration or hemodiafiltration). Material and methods. Plasma (P-)ascorbate, serum (S-)cobalamin and S-folate concentrations were measured before and after a treatment session in 15 patients treated with low-flux hemodialysis and in 14 treated with on-line hemofiltration or hemodiafiltration. The patients' vitamin supplementations were also recorded. Results. P-ascorbate concentrations were lowered by 51% and 53% in the hemodialysis and on-line groups, respectively after treatment and this reduction was significant (p<0.001). Concentrations below the reference values were found in 12/14 patients not receiving vitamin C supplementation. S-cobalamin did not decrease in the hemodialysis or on-line groups. S-folates did not change significantly in the hemodialysis or filtration groups. Patients without folacin supplementation had low values. Conclusions. P-ascorbate was reduced by both dialysis and filtration treatments. Neither S-cobalamin nor S-folate were reduced by dialysis or filtration treatments.