Аннотация:Divide and conquer—the strategy that science uses to cope with the mountains of printed matter it produces—appears on the surface to serve us well. Science organizes itself into manageable units—scientific specialties—and so its literature is created and assimilated in manageable chunks or units. But a few clouds on the horizon ought not to go unexamined. First, most of the units are no doubt logically related to other units. Second, there are far more combinations of units, therefore far more potential relationships among the units, than there are units. Third, the system is not organized to cope with combinations. I suggest that important relationships might be escaping our notice. Individual units of literature are created to some degree independently of one another, and, insofar as that is so, the logical connections among the units, though inevitable, may be unintended by and even unknown to their creators. Until those fragments, like scattered pieces of a puzzle, are brought together, the relationships among them may remain undiscovered—even though the isolated pieces might long have been public knowledge. My purpose in this essay is to show, by means of an example, how this might happen. I shall identify two units of literature that are logically connected but noninteractive; neither seems to acknowledge the other to any substantial degree. Yet the logical connections, once apparent, lead to a potentially useful and possibly new hypothesis.