Аннотация:This article presents a meta-analysis of team-level antecedents of creativity and innovation in the workplace.Using a general input-process-output model, the authors examined 15 team-level variables researched in primary studies published over the last 30 years and their relation to creativity and innovation.An exhaustive search of the international innovation literature resulted in a final sample (k) of 104 independent studies.Results revealed that team process variables of support for innovation, vision, task orientation, and external communication displayed the strongest relationships with creativity and innovation (s between 0.4 and 0.5).Input variables (i.e., team composition and structure) showed weaker effect sizes.Moderator analyses confirmed that relationships differ substantially depending on measurement method (self-ratings vs. independent ratings of innovation) and measurement level (individual vs. team innovation).Team variables displayed considerably stronger relationships with self-report measures of innovation compared with independent ratings and objective criteria.Team process variables were more strongly related to creativity and innovation measured at the team than the individual level.Implications for future research and pragmatic ramifications for organizational practice are discussed in conclusion.