Аннотация:SYNOPSIS. By means of electron microscopy, a study has been made of the fine structure of the macrogametocytes, microgametocytes and oocysts of Eimeria perforans from the intestine of the wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). The parasites lie in a vacuole within the host cell. The surface of the gametocytes is not plain, but displays irregular protrusions. A large intranuclear body can be detected within the macrogametocytes. Similar structures are also found within the cytoplasm. Within the latter there exists a large spread out reticulum, the channels and vesicles of which concentrate especially close to the nuclear membrane. Tubuli are seen in the numerous mitochondria, which often have a dumb‐bell shape. In most of the gametocytes irregular, strongly osmiophilic lipid inclusions are observed, which always are surrounded by the endoplasmic reticulum. Strange folded ovoid bodies are found within the cytoplasm of the oocysts. Nothing can be told with certainty of their nature and function. Probably they represent specific storage bodies.