Active Immunization against Nicotine Prevents Reinstatement of Nicotine-Seeking Behavior in Ratsстатья из журнала
Аннотация: <i>Background:</i> The presently available pharmaceutical aids in smoking cessation possess a rather limited effectiveness. Therefore, we have synthesized a series of immunoconjugates that stimulate the induction of antibodies which may bind nicotine in the blood, thereby preventing it from passing the blood-brain barrier. Thus, the reinforcing action of nicotine in the brain, which is the driving force in tobacco smoking, should be abolished. <i>Objective:</i> The present study was undertaken to test this notion in a long-term relapse model in rats, measuring the reinstatement of nicotine-seeking behavior, following active immunization with IP18-KLH, one of our immunoconjugates. <i>Methods:</i> Male Wistar rats were immunized with a nicotine-KLH conjugate (nicotine immunogen) and Freund’s adjuvant after having been trained to meet the criteria of stable nicotine self-administration on a fixed ratio (FR3) schedule. The rats were subsequently extinguished from nicotine self-administration behavior and finally, as extinction was completed, they were exposed to small, priming doses of nicotine, which previously have been shown to reinstate the nicotine-seeking behavior. The antibody titers were measured by ELISA. <i>Results:</i> It was found that rats with high titers (>1:10,000) of antibodies against nicotine, in contrast to those with low/no nicotine selective antibodies, do not reinstate nicotine self-administration behavior when they are exposed to nicotine. <i>Conclusions:</i> Our findings indicate that active immunization against nicotine may effectively abolish the reinforcing action of nicotine in brain, an effect which is critical for relapse in nicotine dependence. These data suggest the potential utility of active immunization in smoking cessation programs.
Год издания: 2002
Авторы: Nina Lindblom, S.H.L. de Villiers, Genadiy Kalayanov, Sandra Gordon, Anette M. Johansson, T.H. Svensson
Издательство: Karger Publishers
Источник: Respiration
Ключевые слова: Smoking Behavior and Cessation, Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors Study, Influenza Virus Research Studies
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Том: 69
Выпуск: 3
Страницы: 254–260