Expresión diferencial de proteínas en Leishmania (Viannia) panamensis asociadas con mecanismos de resistencia a antimoniato de megluminaстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Introduction. The well-known drug resistance mechanisms to pentavalent antimony have beenwidely described in strains of the Leishmania subgenus, but little is known about the mechanisms ofresistance and the proteins associated with it in strains of the Viannia subgenus such as Leishmaniapanamensis.Objective. Differentially expressed proteins were identified between pentavalent antimonial sensitiveand resistant L. panamensis (UA140) strains, and the role of these proteins was analyzed as possibleresistance mechanisms.Materials and methods. The protein lysates of pentavalent antimony sensitive and resistant strainswere separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, and the protein patterns compared. Theproteins identified as overexpressed were separated and analyzed using MALDI-TOF/TOF (MatrixAssisted Laser Desorption Ionization/Time of Flight). The level of mRNA expression of five of theseproteins was quantified using real-time PCR.Results. On the 2-dimensional gels, 532 ± 39 protein spots were identified for the sensitive strains,and 541 ± 43 spots for the resistant strains. Ten spots were overexpressed in the resistant strain andidentified as heat shock protein (Hsp60 mitochondrial, Hsp70 cytosolic and mitochondrial), disulfideisomerase, cysteine protease, enolase, elongation factor 5-alpha, the proteasome alpha-5 subunit andtwo hypothetical proteins named as Sp(2) and Sp(25).Conclusion. This is the first proteomic study conducted with a L. panamensis resistant strain whereseveral proteins were identified and related with the parasite resistance mechanism to pentavalentantimony. This opens the way for future studies aimed at modulating the drug resistance or at evaluatingthese proteins as therapeutic targets.doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.7705/biomedica.v32i3.392
Год издания: 2012
Авторы: Ronald Guillermo Peláez Sánchez, Carlos Enrrique Muskus Lopez, Patrícia Cuervo, Marcel Marín‐Villa
Издательство: National Institute of Health
Источник: Biomédica
Ключевые слова: Research on Leishmaniasis Studies, Trypanosoma species research and implications
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