Аннотация:Mortality from coronary heart disease in Japan is the among lowest recorded in the industrialized nations; however, little is known about the rate of events including nonfatal cases. A survey of event registration and a review of death certificates was carried out to estimate event rates of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and coronary deaths in the largest 2 cities of the Niigata prefecture where there are 480,720 residents aged between 15 and 65 years. The definitions for these cardiac events used for the WHO-MONICA project were: (1)'definite AMI', (2) 'possible AMI or coronary death' (not including unclassifiable fatal events), and (3) 'unclassifiable fatal events'. Age-adjusted rates for AMI and coronary deaths (per 100,000/year) according to the registration survey were 54.6 for men and 7.2 for women according to definition 1 and 41.9 for men, and 5.3 for women according to definition 2. When data from the death certificate review were taken into account for the estimation, these rates increased to 80.6 for men and 14.2 for women according to definition 1, and 50.0 for men and 9.0 for women according to definition 2. These estimated rates are considerably lower than those in other industrialized nations surveyed in the WHO-MONICA project, and these findings are consistent with those from other studies conducted in Japan.