Investigating the Role of MODIS Leaf Area Index and Vegetation-Climate Interaction in Regional Climate Simulations over Asiaстатья из журнала
Аннотация: STRACTFour year long cli mate sim u la tions us ing the Se oul Na tional Uni ver sity, re gional cli mate model have been per formed to as sess the role of the MODIS Leaf Area In dex (LAI) and in ter ac tive LAI in in flu enc ing Asian cli mate.The con trol ex per i ment em ploys the fixed monthly LAI ac cord ing to the orig i nal land sur face model.An other ad di tional sim u la tion re places the LAI by 4-year mean MODIS cli ma tol ogy.The last two in te gra tions both al low the LAI to in ter act with the at mo sphere, but adopt two different simple parameterization schemes.Al though the con trol ex per i ment gen er ally re pro duces spa tial dis tri bu tion and the mag ni tude of Asian sur face cli mate, it con tains large bi ases in some spe cific ar eas, which are partly im proved by the im ple men ta tion of MODIS LAI and veg e ta tion in ter ac tion schemes.In win ter months (Jan u ary-to-March), greener land sur face in tro duced in the last three sim u la tions re duces cold bi ases over North east China and ad ja cent ar eas, south ern China, Ko rea, and Ja pan, and warm bi ases over South Asia, and pre cip i ta tion dis crep an cies over South Asia, south ern China and West Ja pan.In con trast, LAI changes only play a lim ited role in sum mer.There are sig nif i cant dif fer ences be tween re gions with re spect to mech a nisms ex plain ing win ter-month improvement in sur face cli mate simulations.Over North east China and ad ja cent ar eas, in creased LAI in creases net so lar ra di a tion by about 12 W m -2 mainly through the ef fects on sur face albedo, thereby warm ing the sur face by about 1.8°C.A de crease in clouds makes a ma jor con tri bu tion to sur face warm ing and pre cip i ta tion re duc tion over south ern China.In creased evapotranspiration dom i nates changes in sur face en ergy bal ance, and cause less net ra di a tion to be par ti tioned into sen si ble heat over South Asia.As a re sult, the model sim u lates about 1.5°C colder sur face air tem per a ture and about 0.1 mm day -1 more precipitation over this region.Finally, the implications and limitations of this study are also discussed.
Год издания: 2009
Авторы: Jingyong Zhang, Dong‐Hyun Cha, Dong‐Kyou Lee
Издательство: Springer Nature
Источник: Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Ключевые слова: Remote Sensing in Agriculture, Remote Sensing and Land Use, Land Use and Ecosystem Services
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