Serum calcium level in hypertensionстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Background: The alterations in extracellular calcium level may influence intracellular calcium level and possibly play a role in the pathogenesis of essential hypertension. Aim: The purpose was to find out the association between serum calcium levels and hypertension; and to compare the serum calcium levels between normotensive controls, hypertensive subjects on calcium channel blockers, and hypertensive subjects on antihypertensive medication other than calcium channel blockers. Materials and Methods: Thirty one individuals including normotensives (n = 12) and hypertensives (n = 19) were enrolled for the study and their blood pressure recorded. Hypertensive group was sub divided into two: hypertensives on calcium channel blockers and hypertensives on antihypertensive medication other than calcium channel blockers. Serum calcium levels were measured by Accucare Calcium Arsenazo III kit. Differences between the groups were analyzed using ANOVA. Results: No significant difference in serum calcium level was found between normotensive and hypertensive groups; and no correlation was found between calcium levels and the blood pressure. Also the difference in serum calcium levels in hypertensive group on calcium channel blockers and those on antihypertensive other than calcium channel blockers was insignificant. Conclusions: Serum calcium levels are tightly regulated. Subtle changes in serum levels do not affect blood pressure.
Год издания: 2012
Издательство: Medknow
Источник: North American Journal of Medical Sciences
Ключевые слова: Renal function and acid-base balance, Sodium Intake and Health, Blood Pressure and Hypertension Studies
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Том: 4
Выпуск: 11
Страницы: 569–569