What Is Stimulated Reservoir Volume?статья из журнала
Аннотация: Summary Ultralow-permeability shale reservoirs require a large fracture network to maximize well performance. Microseismic fracture mapping has shown that large fracture networks can be generated in many shale reservoirs. In conventional reservoirs and tight gas sands, single-plane-fracture half-length and conductivity are the key drivers for stimulation performance. In shale reservoirs, where complex network structures in multiple planes are created, the concepts of single-fracture half-length and conductivity are insufficient to describe stimulation performance. This is the reason for the concept of using stimulated reservoir volume (SRV) as a correlation parameter for well performance. The size of the created fracture network can be approximated as the 3D volume (stimulated reservoir volume) of the microseismic-event cloud. This paper briefly illustrates how the SRV can be estimated from microseismic-mapping data and is then related to total injected-fluid volume and well performance. While the effectively producing network could be smaller by some proportion, it is assumed that the created and the effective network are directly related. However, SRV is not the only driver of well performance. Fracture spacing and conductivity within a given SRV are just as important, and this paper illustrates how both SRV and fracture spacing for a given conductivity can affect production acceleration and ultimate recovery. The effect of fracture conductivity is discussed separately in a series of companion papers. Simulated-production data are then compared with actual field results to demonstrate variability in well performance and how this concept can be used to improve completion design, well spacing, and placement strategies.
Год издания: 2010
Авторы: Michael Mayerhofer, E. P. Lolon, N. R. Warpinski, Craig Cipolla, D. W. Walser, Claude M. Rightmire
Источник: SPE Production & Operations
Ключевые слова: Hydraulic Fracturing and Reservoir Analysis, Drilling and Well Engineering, Reservoir Engineering and Simulation Methods
Открытый доступ: closed
Том: 25
Выпуск: 01
Страницы: 89–98