Аннотация:Narrative film is a multimodal, multisensual, and universal medium that has potential to reach and influence a wide range of people regarding environmental issues. The author conducted an experiment to explore the impact of film portrayals of deforestation among college students. One-hundred eighty-one undergraduate students were randomly assigned to one of two conditions: Experimental and Control Conditions. Students in the experimental condition watched the movie Medicine Man portraying the issue of deforestation, whereas those in the control condition watched an unrelated movie with a similar length. Participants in both conditions then completed a self-administered questionnaire that contained the measure of attitudes toward forest preservation. The results indicated that participants in the experimental condition became more favorable toward the preservation of forests (i.e., unfavorable toward deforestation) than did those in the control condition. Regression analysis also revealed that perceived realism regarding the movie and role affinity with native people portrayed in the movie were significant predictors for the attitudes toward forest preservation.