Strength And Obesity In Women Meeting HHS Muscle-strengthening Activity Recommendations: The Win Studyстатья из журнала
Аннотация: In the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, a frequency of 2+ days per week of muscle-strengthening activities (MSA) was recommended. PURPOSE: To examine the relations of meeting or not meeting the recommended frequency of MSA with muscular strength, percent body fat, and obesity classification. METHODS: The WIN study is a prospective study tracking self-reported physical activity behaviors including MSA in more than 900 women weekly for up to 3.25 years. At study onset, participants self-reported frequency of MSA per week and completed an orthopedic examination conducted by physical therapists including strength measures (knee flexion and extension; hip external rotation; hip abduction; grip strength). Percent fat was estimated from skinfolds and BMI calculated from measured height and weight. RESULTS: 905 women (mean: age = 52.8±12.5 yrs and weight = 73.8±17.2 kg) had complete data. 383 reported 2+ days per week of MSA; 522 did <2 days per week. MANOVA indicated a difference (p<.05) between the women who met (2+ days per week) or did not meet the recommendations for MSA. Post-hoc analyses indicated women who met the MSA recommendations were numerically stronger on all 5 strength measures and significantly stronger on hip abduction (p<.03), knee extension (p<.01), and knee flexion (p<.01). Women who met the MSA recommendations had lower percent body fat (p<.001). Logistic regression, controlling for age and race, indicated that women who did not meet the MSA recommendations demonstrated a 150% increase in the odds (OR = 2.5,.95CI = 1.8 to 3.5) of being classified as obese (BMI ≥30). CONCLUSIONS: The results provide support for the recommendation of 2+ days of MSA per week. Women who met the MSA recommendation were stronger, leaner, and less likely to be obese. Future research should investigate the specific type, time, and intensity of MSA and relate those variables to health outcomes.
Год издания: 2010
Издательство: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Источник: Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Ключевые слова: Physical Activity and Health, Sports Performance and Training, Sports injuries and prevention
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