Setting a strategy for health.письмо
Аннотация: same false positive rate are used24 the "consumer" confidence in the risk is likely to be enhanced.We are prospectively evaluating use of the maternal serum marker free Ds human chorionic gonadotrophin in a screening programme (in conjunction with maternal serum a fetoprotein concentration).Though the study is not complete, preliminary data from screening 6000 pregnancies have shown that of the nine fetuses in this population confirmed cytogenetically to have Down's syndrome, eight were identified by the screening programme-that is, a detection rate of 89%.To achieve this detection rate 330 women whose fetuses did not have the syndrome were identified as having a risk greater than 1 in 300.This is equivalent to a false positive rate of 5-5%.What is even more surprising is that of these 330 women at increased risk, 294 (89%) took up the offer of amniocentesis.This figure remained fairly constant across the bands of risk, with 91 4% uptake for a risk greater than 1 in 100, 90 8% for a risk greater than 1 in 200, and 89% for a risk greater than 1 in 250.Clearly, rates of uptake of amniocentesis will vary as a result of many factors, of which efficiency of detection and confidence in the screening programme are but two.Clinicians and managers should be clear ofthe errors in making comparisons and projections from less efficient screening protocols.
Год издания: 1992
Авторы: Dennis P. Breen, Joanne R Chalmers, Isabel K. McLean
Издательство: BMJ
Источник: BMJ
Ключевые слова: Public Health Policies and Education
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Том: 304
Выпуск: 6827
Страницы: 641–642