From Personality to Relationship: Path of thought and practice / Von der Persönlichkeit zur Beziehung: Denken und Praxis / De la personalidad a la relación: Camino de pensamiento y práctica / De la personnalité à la relation: un chemin de pensée et pratique / Da personalidade à relação: Percurso de pensamento e de prática /
Аннотация:Abstract This paper makes the case for recognition of the centrality of relationship in human life generally as well as in the particular case of person-centered and related therapies. Relationships are understood here as emergent process entities that develop life and presence. Therapy is one relationship among others in a client's life; each one capable of influencing other interpersonal systems in the client's experience, and all falling within larger systems of association. An extended therapy case study helps to illustrate the author's psycho-relational approach and theoretical understanding. The client's described journey is infused with relationship issues carried within her, from her family and in her everyday life and found also in the unfolding partnership with her therapist. This perspective on personal therapy connects with other proposed levels of healing that are needed across the full spectrum of disturbed human association.