Anvi’o: an advanced analysis and visualization platform for ‘omics dataстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Advances in high-throughput sequencing and 'omics technologies are revolutionizing studies of naturally occurring microbial communities. Comprehensive investigations of microbial lifestyles require the ability to interactively organize and visualize genetic information and to incorporate subtle differences that enable greater resolution of complex data. Here we introduce anvi'o, an advanced analysis and visualization platform that offers automated and human-guided characterization of microbial genomes in metagenomic assemblies, with interactive interfaces that can link 'omics data from multiple sources into a single, intuitive display. Its extensible visualization approach distills multiple dimensions of information about each contig, offering a dynamic and unified work environment for data exploration, manipulation, and reporting. Using anvi'o, we re-analyzed publicly available datasets and explored temporal genomic changes within naturally occurring microbial populations through de novo characterization of single nucleotide variations, and linked cultivar and single-cell genomes with metagenomic and metatranscriptomic data. Anvi'o is an open-source platform that empowers researchers without extensive bioinformatics skills to perform and communicate in-depth analyses on large 'omics datasets.
Год издания: 2015
Авторы: A. Murat Eren, Özcan C. Esen, Christopher Quince, Joseph H. Vineis, Hilary G. Morrison, Mitchell L. Sogin, Tom O. Delmont
Издательство: PeerJ, Inc.
Источник: PeerJ
Ключевые слова: Bioinformatics and Genomic Networks, Microbial Community Ecology and Physiology, Genomics and Phylogenetic Studies
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