Аннотация:To assess the contribution of the autonomic nervous system to heart rate recovery following exertion, heart rate was observed after peak treadmill exercise in six men following parasympathetic blockade (PB) with atropine sulfate (0.03 mg/kg), sympathetic blockade (SB) with propranolol hydrochloride (0.20 mg/kg), double blockade (DB) with both drugs, and no drugs (ND). Least-squares analysis of each subject's heart rate (HR) as an exponential function of recovery time (t) was computed for each treatment giving an equation of the form HR = aebt. HRs at rest, peak exercise, and 10 min of recovery, the coefficients a and b, and the least-squares correlation coefficient (r) were compared among treatments by nonparametric analysis of variance and rank-sum multiple comparisons. HR recovered in an exponential manner after dynamic exercise in each subject with each of the treatment modes (P less than 0.01 for each r, mean across all treatments r = 0.94). Coefficients a and b differed the most between PB and SB. At the cessation of exercise the decreases in venous return and the systemic need for cardiac output are accompanied by an exponential HR decline. The exponential character of the cardiodeceleration seen after peak exercise appears to be an intrinsic property of the circulation because it occurred under each experimental condition.