Аннотация:This article focuses on the potential and actual use of child social indicators and indices in the policy‐making process. It opens with a brief overview of the child indicators field and its current development and trends. A discussion of these new developments follows, with special emphasis on the consequences of the changing field to the potential role of child social indicators in the policy‐making process. The third section focuses on existing knowledge on indicators of children's well‐being and the information needed to enhance their policy impact. The article then turns to discuss two major efforts to measure and monitor children's well‐being: the UNICEF child well‐being index and the Foundation for Child Development (FCD) child well‐being index. As both cases were mainly data driven, the paper uses them as case studies assessing the potential for using existing indicators of children's well‐being in the policy process. The paper if finalized with discussing the two indices within a context of a future oriented research and indicators development agenda for anyone who want to enhance the policy impact of indicators and indices of children well‐being.