In His Milieu : Essays on Netherlandish Art in Memory of John Michael Montiasкнига
Аннотация: Four RemembrancesMichael Montias was a very special person.All of us who knew him will miss him, for many reasons.He was good company, and he was well informed about the matters of the day.It was always a pleasure to talk with him about the events in the world.He had his own views, and presented these with conviction.He supported his opinions with quotes from literature, especially French literature.He laced his discourse with a sense of humor that tended both to bolster and to lighten his arguments.He was also a good listener, and gave his interlocutors the opportunity to formulate their own thoughts.Discussions with him were always a memorable pleasure.At this moment and in this place, however, I should like to say a few words especially about Mike's contribution to the discipline that he chose in midlife, namely, the history of art.Trained as an economist and serving on the Yale faculty, with his specialty the economic systems of Eastern Europe, Mike developed an interest in the history of the art of the Netherlands.This was, I believe, in the late 1960s.I remember that he borrowed books on art from me, like the basic two-volume handbook by Wilhelm Martin, which he obviously perused.At the same time, he became intrigued by the enormous quantity of archival material in Holland that had been published only partially by an earlier generation of art historians, in particular Abraham Bredius.Mike realized that much material lay fallow in the Dutch archives.He selected Delft for further research because the town was an active artistic center in the seventeenth century, yet its archives were not subject to the same intense traffic as those in Amsterdam.He learned the seventeenth-century Dutch archival language and script.The result was the book Artists and Artisans in Delft (Princeton University
Год издания: 2007
Авторы: Mia M. Mochizuki, Amy Golahny, Lisa Vergara
Ключевые слова: Historical Influence and Diplomacy, Financial Crisis of the 21st Century, Historical Art and Culture Studies
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