African Broadcast Cultures: Radio in Transitionстатья из журнала
Аннотация: African broadcast cultures, Richard Fardon and Graham Furniss. Part 1 Sub-Saharan surveys: saucepan to dish - radio and TV in Africa, Graham Mytton rural radio in Africa - audience research and participation strategies, Jean-Pierre Ilboudo. Part 2 Case studies in local radio: communtiy radio and development -issues and examples Francophone West Africa, Mary Myers the evolution of radio broadcasting in Burkina Faso - from mother radio to local radios, Urbain Nombre radio in Niger - central control versus local cultures, Christine Nimaga Ceesay new local radio stations in African languages and the process of political transformation in the Republic of Benin - the case of Radio Rurale Locale Tanguieta (northern Benin), Tilo Gratz popular culture in advertising - Nigerian Hausa radio, Mansur Abdulkadir. Part 3 Radio, conflict and political transition: the future of community radio in Africa - the case of southern Africa, Aida Opoku-Mensah the multiple voices of Sudanese airspace, Wendy James radio and conflict in Sierra Leone, Paul Richards radio and the right to free speech (Rwanda and Zambia compared), Richard Carver and Linda Kirschke the growth of independent broadcasting in South Africa -lessons for Africa?, Jeanette Minnie is radio pluralism an instrument of political change? insights Zambia, Jean-Pascal Daloz and Katherine Verrier-Frechette. Part 4 National and international broadcasters: obstacles to the emergence of a national radio and television broadcasting culture in Senegal, Ibrahima Sane the relations between international and local broadcasters, Roger Nouma the changing face of the BBC World Service for Africa, Elizabeth Ohene postscript - the role of international broadcasters - a discussion.
Год издания: 2002
Авторы: Brian Martin Murphy, Richard Fardon, Graham Furniss
Издательство: Boston University
Источник: The International Journal of African Historical Studies
Ключевые слова: African history and culture studies
Открытый доступ: closed
Том: 35
Выпуск: 1
Страницы: 224–224