Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. 2020 г. Том 13. № 9выпуск журнала/газеты
Статьи выпуска
- Conflicts and Mediation in a Multicultural Society: Psychological, Pedagogical and Sociological Aspects. — С. 1428-1434O. G. Smolyaninova
- Professional and Ethical Standards in the Activity of a Mediator: Problems of Implementation and Control. — С. 1435-1448A. S. Arkhipkina
- A Regional Model to Train Mediators for the Educational System of Kuzbass. — С. 1449-1465E. V. Belonogova, I. A. Sviridova
- Experience in Implementing a Practice-Oriented Programme for Retraining Mediators for Education and the Social Sphere. — С. 1466-1480V. V. Korshunova, E. A. Birkun
- Strategic Upgrade of the Master`s Programme "Mediation in Education" in Digital Transformation Context. — С. 1481-1498O. G. Smolyaninova, E. S. Egle, N. A. Ivanov
- Digital Competence of Mediation Specialist in Education. — С. 1499-1509E. V. Ermolovich, A. V. Timoshkov
- Online Restorative Mediation Practices. — С. 1510-1516A. Iu. Konovalov
- Specifics of the Attitude of Students with Deviant Behaviour to School Mediation Service. — С. 1517-1528O. O. Andronnikova, O. E. Radzikhovskaya
- English Language’s Functioning in the Student’s Microcommunity: a Case of Kazakhstan. — С. 1529-1540S. A. Shunkeyeva, B. A. Zhetpisbayeva, G. T. Smagulova [et al.]
- Subjective Well-Being and Conflicting Social Identities in the Frontier Regions of Russia. — С. 1541-1558A. V. Nemirovskaya
- Personal Determinants of Improving Sports Effectiveness Among Young People. — С. 1559-1572Yu. V. Slobodchikova, I. V. Semchuk, E. V. Skvortsova, O. A. Musatova