Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. 2018 г. Том 11. № 7выпуск журнала/газеты
Статьи выпуска
- The construction of cultural and religious identities in the temple architecture. — С. 1021-1082N. P. Koptseva, K. V. Reznikova, V. A. Razumovskaya
- Return of a Subject in the German Metafiction of 1960–1990. — С. 1083-1092V. V. Kotelevskaya
- From a Peasant "World" to a Collective Farm: How the Preconditions of the Catastrophe in a Peasant Environment Ripened. — С. 1093-1104S. V. Lourie
- Correlation between the Concepts of "Detention" and "Suspicion" in the Criminal Proceedings of Russia and Germany. — С. 1105-1112L. V. Maiorova, Ya. M. Ploshkina
- The Image of Bogatyrs in Yakut and Russian Folklore Texts. — С. 1113-1126E. V. Naumova
- To the Study of Reflection of Cultural Identity Processes in the Russian Art of the 16–17th Centuries. — С. 1127-1136N. N. Parfentieva
- The Sociocultural Problems of Teaching the Entsy Language. — С. 1137-1150K. V. Reznikova, Yu. S. Zamaraeva, N. A. Sergeeva
- Practice of Metaterminographic Study in Russia. — С. 1151-1160M. V. Trossel
- Heritage Interpretation as Tool in Cross-Cultural Communication: Сhallenges and Solutions in the Work of Guides-Interpreters. — С. 1161-1170E. A. Weber