Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. 2018 г. Том 11. № 11выпуск журнала/газеты
Статьи выпуска
- The Theme of the Issue: Migrant Localities, Ethnicity and Social Design: Some Results of the Regular Conference “The Specificity of Ethnic Migration Processes in Central Siberia in the 20th–21st Centuries: Experience and Prospects” (Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University). — С. 1732-1741V. I. Dyatlov
- Friendship Test: the "Chineseness" Drama in the Border City Conditions. — С. 1742-1761I. Peshkov
- Restructuring of the Chineseness: Ethnic Marking of City Spaces in the Light of Migration from China. — С. 1762-1775K. V. Grigorichev
- The Stage That Does Not Exist: Irkutsk Open Market as a Dramaturgical Metaphor. — С. 1776-1793D. O. Timoshkin
- International Students in Siberian Universities: Informal Practices of Status Commodification. — С. 1794-1804Yu. V. Elokhina
- Chinese Migrants in the Construction Business of the Irkutsk Region: Formal and Informal Organization of Work. — С. 1805-1815A. A. Voloshin
- WeChat as a Lifestyle: Social Network Tool of the Chinese Migrants in Russia. — С. 1816-1825Yu. O. Koreshkova
- The Shenekhen Buryat Diaspora in the Socio-Political Discussions of Modern Buryatia. — С. 1826-1844V. I. Dyatlov, M. N. Baldano
- Sociocultural Dynamics of the Ethnical Processes of the Evenks. — С. 1845-1871V. P. Krivonogov, E. S. Ermilova
- The National Project in Contemporary Russia and the Dynamics of Interethnic Marriage as its Indicator (To the Issue of the Perspectives of the "All-Russian People" Commonality Formation). — С. 1872-1895S. V. Lourie
- Discussions of the 1960–1970s on the Spatial and Economic Development of Siberia: Searching for a Balance between Heavy and Light Industries and Agriculture. — С. 1896-1910R. Rezvanov