Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. 2018 г. Том 11. № 10выпуск журнала/газеты
Статьи выпуска
- Ideologization of Translation History: The Case of Russian Democrats and Aesthetes. — С. 1532-1546A. V. Achkasov
- Quality of Life Evaluation by the Indigenous Population of the Arctic North of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Krai) Based on Khatanga Rural Population. — С. 1547-1571V. I. Kirko [и др.]
- The Territory of Traditional Nature Use as a Specific Territorial Unit in the System of Territorial Division of the North, Siberia and the Russian Far East. — С. 1572-1592A. A. Kondrashev
- The Motif of Loss in the Literatures of Siberian Indigenous Peoples. — С. 1593-1603N. A. Nepomniashchikh
- The Phenomenological Interpretation of Creation of the World out of Nothing: from Patristics to Kant and Beyond. — С. 1604-1634A. V. Nesteruk, T. V. Litvin
- The World Practice of Development of Writing for Non-Literate Cultures. — С. 1635-1652A. A. Sitnikova
- Literature Review on the Urban Environment of Krasnoyarsk. — С. 1653-1672M. G. Smolina, N. P. Koptseva, E. A. Sertakova
- "Double Bottom" of Intercultural Competence: Evaluation by Means of Electronic Educational Platform of a Federal University. — С. 1673-1698O. G. Smolyaninova, D. O. Trufanov
- Cases on Intercultural Communication: New Approach to Design. — С. 1699-1710E. G. Tareva, B. V. Tarev
- European Language Portfolio as an Effective Tool of Assessment Used in Teaching a Foreign Language. — С. 1711-1728V. V. Vonog