Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. 2011 г. Том 4. № 12выпуск журнала/газеты
Статьи выпуска
- Forming All-Russian National Identity in the Process of Artistic Image Development. Analysis of the Artistic Painting by Vasily Ivanovich Surikov Boyarynya Morozova. — С. 1669-1683A. V. Kistova, A. V. Kushnareva
- Pogo Pectoral in the Context of Ethnocultural Identification of Khakass People. — С. 1684-1697M. G. Smolina, V. S. Saymova
- Traditional Art in Modern Art Processes of Krasnoyarsk: Advantages and Disadvantages. — С. 1698-1704M. V. Moskaljuk, A. E. Vasileva
- The Architecture of Krasnoyarsk as a Space of Social Identification. Correlation of Cosmocentric and Sociocentric Ideals. — С. 1705-1718M. V. Tarasova, Tamara Yu. Grigorieva
- Formation of the Russian Siberian Identity in the Wood Engravings of the Krasnoyarsk Craftsmen. — С. 1719-1726E. A. Sertakova, A. A. Gerasimova
- Principles of Symmetry in the Krasnoyarsk City Space and Processes of the Regional Identity. — С. 1727-1742M. A. Kolesnik, M. M. Mirkes
- Image of Siberia in Artist Aleskander Surikovs Works. — С. 1743-1766A. A. Semenova, M. V. Soshenko
- Сибирская специфика скульптуры Красноярска (в контексте общероссийских ценностей). — С. 1767-1783N. A. Bakhova, N. M. Sergienkova
- Wooden Zodchestvo of Krasnoyarsk City as the Space for Forming Territorial and Ethno-Cultural Identity. — С. 1784-1793N. N. Pimenova, A. V. Marysheva
- Codification of the Cultural Meanings of the Krasnoyarsk Street Ornaments. — С. 1794-1806M. M. Mirkes, N. A. Sergeeva
- Issues of Ideal in Modern Art and Study of Art. — С. 1807-1811M. V. Moskalyuk
- Independence of Aluminum Industry on raw Materials as a Prerequisite of Sustainable Development of the Region. — С. 1812-1819E. V. Zander, T. A. Smirnova
- Infrastructure for Population Living Conditions in the Context of Qualitative Economic Growth. — С. 1820-1835I. S. Pyzhov, V. N. Rutskiy, V. P. Goryachev