Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. 2011 г. Том 4. № 11выпуск журнала/газеты
Статьи выпуска
- Values of Innovation for Students, Experts and Entrepreneurs in Krasnoyarsk: Desired Ideal, Hopes and Reality. — С. 1507-1525Y. N. Moskvich, E. N. Viktoruk
- The Concept State in Local Culture of Krasnoyarsk: the Results of an Associative Experiment Based on the Method Series of Thematic Associations». — С. 1526-1542A. A. Semyonova
- The Phenomenon of the Other as a Socioforming Factor of Krasnoyarsk Region (Based on the Association Experiment Method by A. I. Nazarov). — С. 1543-1552E. V. Fedina
- Specific Character of Modern Interethnic Relations in Krasnoyarsk Territory as Per Associative Experiment. — С. 1553-1576G. V. Kivkutsan
- Sociocultural Research of the Cultural Requirements of the Residents of the Krasnoyarsk City. — С. 1577-1588N. P. Koptseva, J. S. Zamaraeva, E. A. Sertakova
- New Development Scenarios of Siberia and the Modern University. — С. 1589-1598O. A. Karlova
- Luxury Brands as a Dominant Visual Sign for the Middle Class in Russia. — С. 1599-1611O. А. Karlova, E. S. Kevbrin
- The Qualitative Pedagogical and Biomechanical Analysis of Technical Errorsin the Process of Training of Sportsmen for Complex Skills. — С. 1612-1623N. G. Suchilin, Y. V. Shevchuk
- Ritual as a Way of Change, Preservation, Stabilization: Extrahistorical, Prehistorical and Historical Time. — С. 1624-1638E. A. Lisina
- The Role of the Curtain Walls of the Krasnoyarsk Double Enforced Ostrog in the Tradition of the City Building. — С. 1639-1649K. V. Gevel
- Discretion in Law: Human-Centric Approach. — С. 1650-1657A. S. Skudarnov
- Socially-Demographic Characteristics of Primary School age Children who have Traumatic Experience. — С. 1658-1666Jantsan Nyamaa