Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. 2010 г. Том 3. № 6выпуск журнала/газеты
Статьи выпуска
- Модернизация экологической экономики на основе применения системного подхода. — С. 816-822T. A. Akimova, A. I. Pyzhev
- Finance - Energy Balance. — С. 823-833S. G. Bayakin
- Sustainable Development and Energy Indicators. — С. 834-843S. N. Bobylev
- Potential and Risks of Resource-Export Model for Siberia and Krasnoyarsk Krai Economy Development. — С. 844-850E. B. Bukharova, V. G. Bezgachev, S. N. Grib
- Interregional Inequalities in Russia in the Context of Nature Use and Climate Changes. — С. 851-863I. P. Glazyrina, I. A. Zabelina, E. A. Klevakina
- Evolution of Oil Resource Management in Russia. — С. 864-890V. A. Kryukov, A. N. Tokarev
- Indirect Estimation of Citizens` Willingness to Pay for Past Environmental Damage Elimination: Case Study of Kemerovo City. — С. 891-902G. E. Mekush, A. M. Kalugin
- Green Procurement to Improve Energy and Environmental Efficiency of Russian Economy. — С. 902-911E. N. Melnikova, I. M. Potravny
- Assessing the Economic Impacts of Climate Change Using a CGE Model with Decentralized Market Instruments. — С. 912-923R. R. Palatnik, Mordechai Shechter
- Development Strategy of Resource-Based Regions. — С. 924-931B. V. Robinson
- On Use and Development of Economic Instruments for Environment Protection Control. — С. 932-939A. V. Shevchuk
- Strategy of Siberias Development: from Resource Economy to Innovation Economy. — С. 940-950V. I. Suslov
- Resource Economics in the Frontier of the Asian Russia: Consequences, Problems, Suggestions. — С. 951-961A. K. Tulokhonov, D. A. Darbalaeva
- Ecological Balance of Territory: Key Factors and the Regulation Mechanism. — С. 962-968E. V. Zander, Y. I. Startseva