- Linear Autotopism Subgroups of Semifield Projective Planes. — С. 705-719
O. V. Kravtsova, D. S. Skok
- A Multifaceted Approach to Forming Mathematical Digital Competency of Future Engineers in Teaching Applied Mathematics. — С. 720-731
M. V. Noskov, V. A. Shershneva, E. I. Skafa [et al.]
- On the Closedness of Carpets of Additive Subgroups Associated With a Chevalley Group Over a Commutative Ring. — С. 732-737
Y. N. Nuzhin
- Mellin Transforms for Rational Functions with Quasi-elliptic Denominators. — С. 738-750
I. A. Antipova, T. A. Efimov, A. K. Tsikh
- Manifestation of Slow Dynamics in Multilayer Nanostructures with Different Thicknesses of Magnetic Films. — С. 751-757
V. V. Prudnikov, M. V. Mamonova, D. A. Druziev, V. V. Khitrintseva
- On the Non-standard Interpolations in Cn and Combinatorial Coefficients for Weil Polyhedra. — С. 758-772
M. E. Durakov, R. V. Ulvert, A. K. Tsikh
- First-principles Calculations of the Exchange Coupling Constants for an Iron Film. — С. 773-779
Michael Yu. Makeev, M. V. Mamonova
- Lang-Firsov Transformation in the Generalized Tight-binding Method. — С. 780-785
A. V. Dudarev, E. I. Shneyder
- Study of Trapped Magnetic Field Relaxation in a Cylindrical Micron-Sized HTS. — С. 786-794
A. A. Mikhailov, A. N. Maksimova, A. N. Moroz, V. A. Kashurnikov
- Changes of the Fermi Surface Topology in the Three-orbital Model for Iron Pnictides with the Spin-orbit Coupling. — С. 795-803
D. A. Ivanov, Y. N. Togushova, M. M. Korshunov
- Study of Magnetic Anisotropy of Cobalt Films Separated by a Copper Layer Depending on the Thickness of the Layers. — С. 804-810
R. A. Sukhachev, M. V. Mamonova, P. V. Prudnikov
- Symmetry Analysis of Radial Profiles of Magnetic Skyrmions. — С. 811-819
E. O. Enkova, V. A. Stepanenko, M. S. Shustin
- Fermion Parity of Phases Supporting Multiple Majorana Modes in a Superconducting Nanowire. — С. 820-829
Alexander Gamov, A. O. Zlotnikov
- Scaling Behavior of Complex Low-dimensional Spin Systems. — С. 830-837
M. A. Shlyakhtich, A. S. Egorina, E. V. Drovorub [et al.]
- Magnetization and Flux Capture in a Superconducting Ring Made of High-Tc 2G Tape. — С. 838-844
D. S. Chikurov, A. E. Rudominskiy, M. P. Volkov