Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Математика и физика. 2016 г. Том 9. № 1выпуск журнала/газеты
Статьи выпуска
- Collective Bionic Algorithm with Biogeography Based Migration Operator for Binary Optimization. — С. 3-10Sh. A. Akhmedova, E. S. Semenkin
- On the Dynamics of a Class of Kolmogorov Systems. — С. 11-16R. Boukoucha
- On Limit Distribution of Sums of Random Variables. — С. 17-29S. V. Chebotarev
- On One Two-dimensional Stationary Flow of a Binary Mixture and Viscous Fluid in a Plane Layer. — С. 30-36M. V. Efimova
- Existence Criteria in Some Extremum Problems Involving Eigenvalues of Elliptic Operators. — С. 37-47V. Yu. Goncharov
- Modeling of Two-layer Fluid Flows with Evaporation at the Interface in the Presence of the Anomalous Thermocapillary Effect. — С. 48-59O. N. Goncharova, E. V. Rezanovay
- Computer Simulation and Optimization of Soil Thawing Using Microwave Energy. — С. 60-68S. A. Nekrasov, V. S. Volkov
- On Interpolation in the Class of Analytic Functions in the Unit Disk with the Nevanlinna Characteristic from Lp-spaces. — С. 69-78E. G. Rodikova
- Stochastic Generation of Bursting Oscillations in the Three-dimensional Hindmarsh–Rose Model. — С. 79-89L. B. Ryashko, E. S. Slepukhinay
- Numerical Investigation of Solutions to a Reaction-diffusion System with Variable Density. — С. 90-101Sh. A. Sadullaeva
- On Invariant Estimates for Oscillatory Integrals with Polynomial Phase. — С. 102-107A. R. Safarov
- Phases of Anionic Ordering in Elpasolite Structures (Ordered Perovskites). — С. 108-118R. G. Sevryukov [et.al.]
- On Decomposition of Sub-definite Partial Boolean Functions. — С. 119-122I. K. Sharankhaev
- Non Uniqueness of p-adic Gibbs Distribution for the Ising Model on the Lattice Zd. — С. 123-127Z. T. Tugyonov