Биомедицинская радиоэлектроника : международный научно-прикладной журнал. 2018 г. № 6выпуск журнала/газеты
Статьи выпуска
- Methods of investigation parameters of plasma of glow discharge lasers. — С. 1-4А. С. Киселев, Е. А. Смирнов
- Study of the influence of the installation angle of the pedicular screm on its resistance to axial traction. — С. 5-6Г. В. Саврасов [и др.]
- The study of biomechanical characteristics of the venous wall after ultrasound exposure. — С. 7-8А. С. Борде [и др.]
- Solid angle fraction in single-photon emission tomography. — С. 9-11А. Ю. Лысенко, С. А. Терещенко
- Animal trials of wearable apparatus for peritoneal dialysis. — С. 12-14Н. А. Базаев [и др.]
- The control method of peripheral venous catheters automatic insertion using force measurement. — С. 15-17И. А. Кудашов, С. И. Щукин
- Diamond and platinum electrodes for urea electrochemical oxidation. — С. 18-21Н. А. Базаев, Б. М. Путря, Е. В. Стрельцов
- The influence assessment of reversible chess pattern size and biological object parameters on visual evoked potential detection. — С. 22-24И. С. Кувшинова, А. Н. Дмитриев
- Algorithm of physical activity detection according to the accelerometer data of implantable pacemaker with rate-adaptive pacing. — С. 25-27А. В. Кречетова, Л. С. Комлева, А. Н. Тихомиров
- Multidiagnostics study of postoperative cognitive disorders. — С. 28-31Т. В. Истомина [и др.]
- Evaluation of the electrode system pressure force influence on neuro muscular activity signals. — С. 32-35А. Н. Брико [и др.]
- A database with face video images of patients with schizophrenic disorders and control healthy group. — С. 36-37Е. Ю. Латышева [и др.]
- Articial muscles with the possibility of application in medical practice. — С. 38-41Л. П. Ичкитидзе [и др.]
- Optimization of the prophylaxis of critical ischemia of lower extremities on the basis of fuzzy models for assessing the dynamics of the disease. — С. 42-44А. В. Быков [и др.]
- Arrhythmia analysis in a non-contact cECG chair using convolutional neural network. — С. 45-48А. Помпрапа [и др.]
- Apnea detection in a contactless multisensor system using deep learning algorithm. — С. 49-52А. Помпрапа [и др.]
- A noninvasive glucose estimation based on near infrared spectroscopy and pulse-echo ultrasound. — С. 53-56С. Нанди [и др.]