Библиографическое описание:Zhang, C. L. Thermodynamic and kinetic parameters of ofloxacin adsorption from aqueous solution onto modified coal fly ash / Zhang C. L., Zhao F., Wang Y. - (Физическая химия поверхностных явлений). - Текст : непосредственный // Журнал физической химии. - 2012. - Т. 86, № 4. - С. 736-740. - Библиогр.: c. 740 (29 назв. ). - ISSN 0044-4537.
Аннотация:Batch adsorption experiments were carried out for the removal of ofloxacin from aqueous solution using modified coal fly ash as adsorbent. The effects of various parameters such as contact time, initial solution concentration and temperature on the adsorption system were investigated.