Antiepileptic drugs : a study guide
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База данных: Каталог библиотеки СФУ (52.812+52.817.104я7 S 19)
Библиографическое описание: Samorodov, A. V. Antiepileptic drugs : a study guide / Samorodov A. V.,Mufazalova N. A.,Afanasyeva Y. G.,Nikitina I. L.,Sakaeva D. D.,Kitapova R. R.,Zavadich K. A.,Mufazalova L. F.,Startseva L. V.,Gaisina G. G.,Valiullina Z. A. - Уфа : БГМУ, 2023. - 112 с. - ISBN 978-5-907209-71-8 : Б. ц. - Текст : непосредственный.
Аннотация: The study guide was compiled on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard (2020) in accordance with the main educational program in the specialty "General Medicine" (2023), the curriculum (2023), the steering document the academic discipline "Pharmacology" (2023) for foreign students in the specialty 31.05.01 General Medicine in order to master universal (UC-1), general professional (GPC-3, GPC-6, GPC-7, GPC-11) and professional (PC-9) competencies. The guide considers a group of drugs — antiepileptic drugs, presents a modern classification of antiepileptic drugs, mechanisms of action, pharmacological effects. It gives the characteristics of pharmacological groups and individual characteristics of antiepileptic drugs. Special attention is paid to possible undesirable drug reactions from various organs and systems of the body that can be observed when using antiepileptic drugs, the mechanisms of their development and prevention. The guide presents the characteristics of the main antiepileptic drugs used in clinical practice and the adverse reactions caused thereby. Anticonvulsants of the third generation, the features of the mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics, adverse reactions, drug interactions, and applications are considered in detail. The guide considers the effect of antiepileptic drugs on the course of pregnancy and fetal development.
Год издания: 2023
Авторы: Samorodov A. V., Mufazalova N. A., Afanasyeva Y. G., Nikitina I. L., Sakaeva D. D., Kitapova R. R., Zavadich K. A., Mufazalova L. F., Startseva L. V., Gaisina G. G., Valiullina Z. A.
Издательство: БГМУ, Уфа
Количество страниц: 112
Количество экземпляров:
Издание имеется только в электронном виде
Классификационные коды: УДК 615.213.015.06(075.8), ББК 52.812+52.817.104я7
ISBN: 978-5-907209-71-8
Идентификаторы: полочный индекс 52.812+52.817.104я7 S 19, шифр 615.213.015.06(07/S 19-476663961