Библиографическое описание:Garmonov, S. . Assessment of Genetic Deterministic Processes of Drug Metabolism : monograph : учебник / Garmonov S.,Nugbienyo L. - Казань : КНИТУ, 2022. - 120 с. - ISBN 978-5-7882-3223-2 : Б. ц. - Текст : непосредственный.
Аннотация:This monograph contains review of the current state and prospects of development of analytical methods for the study of genetic deterministic processes of drug metabolism in the human body. It also discusses the role of analytical methods in determining the activity of enzyme systems that control the processes of biotransformation of xenobiotics and endogenous compounds in the body. The monograph also demonstrates the application of chemical and physico-chemical methods of analysis for direct and indirect determination of metabolic and exogenous markers of biotransformation. It is intended to serve as a teaching and learning material for postgraduate and PhD students of Russian universities, studying Pharmacy. Prepared at the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Certification and Quality Management.