Humorous Discourse


  • "Table of contents"; "A foreword on humorous discourse"; "I Approaches at the essence of humorous discourse"; "Humor theory: What is and what is not"; "Metonymy in humour"; "Conceptual integration and humor"; "The dynamics of humour"; "II Humor as a function of discourse"; "The GTVH and humorous discourse"; "Metapragmatic markers of the bona fide and non-bona fide modes of communication"; "Wordplay and football: Humour in the discourse of written sports reporting"; "Audience affiliation, membership categories, and the construction of humor in stand-up comedy"
  • "Humor research and humor reception: Far away, so close"; "III Computer modeling of humorous discourse"; "Ontological Semantic Theory of Humor in a context of humorous discourse"; "Notes on the contributors"