- Cover; Title Page; Copyright and Credits; Dedication; About Packt; Contributors; Table of Contents; Preface; Section 1: Getting Started with wiringPi on a Raspberry Pi; Chapter 1: Introduction to the Raspberry Pi; Technical requirements; Software required; Hardware requirements; For Raspberry Pi 3B+ and Raspberry Pi Zero W; Additional hardware for Raspberry Pi 3B+; Additional hardware requirements for Raspberry Pi Zero W; Understanding the Raspberry Pi; The Raspberry Pi 3B+; The Raspberry Pi Zero W; Setting up a Raspberry Pi 3B+ as a desktop computer; Installing Raspbian OS on an SD card
- Downloading and installing Etcher Downloading the Raspbian Stretch image ; Writing the Raspbian Stretch image to a microSD card; Setting up the Raspberry Pi 3B+; Connecting the Raspberry Pi 3B+ to the internet; Connecting the Raspberry Pi 3B+ to a laptop via Wi-Fi; Creating an SSH file on a microSD card; Connecting the Raspberry Pi 3B+ to a Wi-Fi network using PuTTY; Enabling the VNC server; Viewing the Raspberry Pi output on the VNC Viewer; Increase the VNC's screen resolution; Handling VNC and PuTTY errors; Setting up the Raspberry Pi Zero W as a desktop computer
- Setting up the Raspberry Pi Zero WConnecting the Raspberry Pi Zero W to a laptop via Wi-Fi; Connecting the Raspberry Pi Zero W to a Wi-Fi network using PuTTY; Enabling VNC Viewer for Raspberry Pi Zero W; Viewing Raspberry Pi Zero W output on VNC Viewer; Summary; Questions; Chapter 2: Implementing Blink with wiringPi; Technical requirements; Installing the wiringPi library in the Raspberry Pi; Accessing Raspberry Pi GPIO pins via wiringPi; Making an LED blink; Wiring connections; The blinking program; Uploading the code to the Raspberry Pi; Smart light -- working with digital sensor
- The LDR sensor and the way it worksWiring connection; Smart light program; Pulse Width Modulation using softPWM; How PWM works; The softPWM library; Making an LED blink with the softPWM library; Summary; Questions; Section 2: Raspberry Pi Robotics; Chapter 3: Programming the Robot; Technical requirements; Choosing a robot chassis; Constructing and connecting the robot; Constructing the robot; Connecting the motor driver to the Raspberry Pi ; What is a motor driver?; Wiring connections; Working with H-bridge; Moving the robot; Moving the robot backward; Stopping the robot
- Different types of turnsAxial turns; Axial left turn; Axial right turn; Radial turn; Radial left turn; Radial right turn; Summary; Questions; Chapter 4: Building an Obstacle-Avoiding Robot; Technical requirements; Using an ultrasonic sensor; How an ultrasonic sensor measures distances; The arithmetic equation for determining the time taken; Wiring the ultrasonic sensor to the Raspberry Pi; The HC-SR04 sensor program; Using an LCD; Wiring the 16x2 LCD to the Raspberry Pi; Programming the LCD; The LCD program; The LCD and the ultrasonic sensor program; What is the I2C protocol?