The article presents a complementary semantic-semiotic analysis of an artistic image in the framework of a literary text. The analysis is followed by post-translation descriptions. Being generated and functioning within a literary text an artistic image is considered to be an extended metaphoric formation primarily destined to fulfill the aesthetic function. Particular attention is paid to the cultural information and memory embodied in a unique cultural code presented in an artistic image and closely connected with its metaphoric characteristics. The present research was conducted on the material of the “strong” text of the Russian culture – “The Master and Margarita” by M. Bulgakov. The artistic image of Bulgakov’s tom-cat Behemoth is a heterogeneous metaphoric formation combining the cultural memory of a Biblical monster Behemoth, zoo-metaphorical characteristics of a hippopotamus (as a real fauna
representative) and various connotations of a black tom-cat in its real and mythological hypostases. The research methodology assumes integrated analysis combining mythopoetic, hermeneutic and comparative methods. In the situation of literary translation, a literary image can be considered as a regular
unit of translation, the reconstruction of which in “other” languages and cultures
requires special translator’s decisions and application of effective translation
techniques and strategies.
Ключевые слова:“Strong” text, artistic image, cultural information and memory, cultural code, metaphor, aesthetic effect, intertextuality, “The Master and Margarita”, Behemoth, cognitive equivalence, Институт экономики, управления и природопользования, ИЭУиП, сфу