Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. 2020 г. Том 13. № 12выпуск журнала/газеты
Статьи выпуска
- Issues in Regional Linguistics and Tools of Modern Linguistic Research: Introduction to the Linguistic Edition of the Journal of Siberian Federal University. — С. 1896-1901E. S. Muchkina, O. V. Magirovskaya
- Siberia / Sibir / Sibir` / Sybir: What`s in a Name?. — С. 1902-1913E. V. Beloglazova, V. V. Kabakchi
- The Concept of Stolby Nature Reserve in the Aspect of Linguoimageology. — С. 1914-1926I. V. Evseeva, I. S. Zhmakina
- Specific Features and Patterns of Conceptualizing the Emotions and Feelings in Sign Language (the Case of the Regional Variant of the Russian Sign Language in the Republic of Khakassia). — С. 1927-1936O. V. Magirovskaya, E. S. Privalikhina, V. S. Srmikian
- Changing Attitudes Toward Indigenous1 Languages in Russia: Some Evidence from the North. — С. 1937-1951E. V. Khilkhanova
- Russian Open Education Centre "Siberia.ru": the Conceptual Bases and Prospects for Development. — С. 1952-1961G. A. Kopnina, I. V. Evseeva, E. V. Eremina [и др.]
- Comparative Research of Attitudes to Mediation at Galician and Siberian Universities. — С. 1962-1972Ju. V. Popova
- Speech disorders testing: practices of European and Russian clinical linguistics. — С. 1973-1984N. G. Burmakina, Iu. I. Detinko, L. V. Kulikova, Ia. V. Popova
- Discursive Strategies of Legitimating Institutionalized Values in Educational Settings: Experience of Japan. — С. 1985-1994A. V. Kolmogorova, A. V. Kozachina
- Archetypical Image of the Old Man in Buryat Literature of the 20th Century. — С. 1995-2011S. S. Imikhelova, E. D. Mongush
- Original Projections of Author`s "Self" in Modern Russian and Uzbek Short Story. — С. 2012-2026S. E. Kamilova, Ya. Yu. Arustamyan
- Idiostyle Characteristics of Lexical Compatibility in the 19th-Сentury Prose: Ural Stylometric Project. — С. 2027-2034M. Yu. Mukhin, Nikolai Yu. Mukhin
- Corpus Analysis of the Grammatical Categories` Constituents in Fiction Texts Considering the Linguo-Regional Component. — С. 2035-2048A. I. Gorozhanov, I. A. Guseynova
- "Volume 91": an Electronic Index to the Complete Works of Leo Tolstoy. — С. 2049-2055B. V. Orekhov
- Anonymous Vs. Attributed: Cluster Analysis of Tolstovskii Sbornik Texts and Its Interpretation in Terms of Cultural Heritage. — С. 2056-2081O. F. Zholobov, V. A. Baranov, M. O. Novak