Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. 2015 г. Том 8. № 8выпуск журнала/газеты
Статьи выпуска
- Municipal Methodical Service as a Subject of the University Threefold Network. — С. 1524-1533E. N. Belova, O. S. Bondareva
- Contemporary Religious Fantasy: Inversion of Ethical Categories. — С. 1534-1540E. Y. Vostretsov, E. V. Ivanova
- New Media: Technological Design of Forms and Boundaries of Cultural Experience. — С. 1541-1550D. V. Galkin
- Petroleum Engineering Education in NEFU, Yakutia. — С. 1551-1559A. A. Goldman
- The Concept of “Communication” in Contemporary Research. — С. 1560-1568N. P. Koptseva, Ma Liia, V. I. Kirko
- Critical Analysis of the Systems Approach. — С. 1569-1575V. I. Zhukovsky, D. V. Pivovarov
- Restrictions of Constitutional Rights and Freedoms and Legal Obstacles in Their Implementation. — С. 1576-1579E. R. Zaitseva, V. Yu. Panchenko
- Registration of Religious Organizations: Legal Restrictions and Prospects of Development. — С. 1580-1590A. A. Isaeva
- Modern War as a Cultural Phenomenon. Causes of War. Results of the Associative Experiment with "Modern War" Associate (Based on Research Carried Out in the Student Groups of Siberian Federal University). — С. 1591-1610N. P. Koptseva, K. V. Reznikova
- Art Management as Administrative System of Broadcast of Art Values. — С. 1611-1624S. V. Kostylev
- Verbalization of the Writer in Academic Prose. — С. 1625-1634O. A. Krapivkina
- Managing Internationalisation of Higher Education: Strategic Planning and Assessment. — С. 1635-1641N. V. Krasilnikova
- The Neo Human: a Breakthrough of Transcendence and Cultural Constraints. — С. 1642-1651V. I. Kudashov
- Legal Life: Conceptual, Categorical and Methodological Analysis Experience. — С. 1652-1660A. V. Mal`ko, V. V. Trofimov
- Integrative Methodology of Law Interpretation. — С. 1661-1666V. M. Syrykh
- Diverse "Soft Power" of the Changing World: Mission and Evolution. — С. 1667-1674Yu. N. Moskvich
- Observance of Citizens` Rights and Freedoms as an Element of Political System of Modern Russia (Based on Researches in Krasnoyarsk Krai in 2010-2015) Rationale and Study Approaches. — С. 1675-1682V. G. Nemirovskiy
- From Solitude to Freedom: Human Person and the Universe in Russian Religious Philosophy. — С. 1683-1709A. V. Nesteruk
- Integrated System of Values of Modern People Based on Sociological Research in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. — С. 1710-1723E. A. Nozdrenko, O. F. Morozova, E. A. Rukavitsina
- India`s Soft Power: Images and Components. — С. 1724-1737A. A. Gruzdev, A. V. Konukhova, S. A. Podyapolskiy
- "Time of Culture": an Essential Category of Discourse Analysis. — С. 1738-1753U. V. Smirnova
- Systematicity of Law: Some Problems of Theory and Practice. — С. 1754-1761E. M. Shaihutdinov
- The Current Problems of Compiling Translation – Orientated Terminological Dictionaries. — С. 1762-1768M. V. Trossel
- Problem of Self-consciousness and Conceptual Thinking in the Theory of Vigotsky: in the Spirit of "The Phenomenology of Spirit" by Hegel and "Ethics" by Spinoza. — С. 1769-1787E. Kamiya