Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Техника и технологии. 2010 г. Том 3. № 1выпуск журнала/газеты
Статьи выпуска
- Exotic Grains in a Core from Cornwall, NY – Do They Have an Impact Source?. — С. 5-29D. H. Abbott, P. Gerard-Little, S. Coste [et al.]
- Analysis of the Younger Dryas Impact Layer. — С. 30-62R. B. Firestone, A. West, Z. Revay [et al.]
- Tsunami Chronology supporting Late Holocene Impacts. — С. 63-71E. BryantE. HaslettE. Scheffers [et al.]
- The Chiemgau Crater Strewn Field: Evidence of a Holocene Large Impact Event in Southeast Bavaria, Germany. — С. 72-103K. Ernstson, K. W. Mayer, А. Neumair [et al.]
- Computational Experiment in the Problem of the Recent Traces of Oceanic Cosmic Impacts. — С. 104-122K. V. Simonov
- Micrometeorite Impacts in Beringian Mammoth Tusks and a Bison Skull. — С. 123-132J. T. Hagstrum, R. B. Firestone, A. West [et al.]